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Why did the platform change?

To ensure that the platform would have a sustainable future, the investors of the platform selected a new company with a different vision for the platform to continue developing beyond the conclusion of the COSME Programme.

How do I delete my account?

If you would like to delete your account, please send an e-mail to deletemyaccount@caribconnect.eu.

I forgot my password, what do I do?

If you forgot your password, please click on the link “Forgot your password? Click here to recover.” in the login screen of your portal. You will receive an e-mail with a link on which you need to click to reset your password.

Once my account is deleted what will happen to my previous uploaded information such as my profile, business plans, business summary, financial plan, contracts etc.

You information is being migrated to the new platform and will become visible after the migration has taken place.

What should I do if my account did not migrate well and lost all my information?

Please contact contact@caribconnect.eu


How do I become a member on Carib Connect?

As an entrepreneur, investor or mentor you can be become a member on the Carib Connect platform. You can register by clicking on the button “Start here” in the top right of the homepage of Carib Connect. You will be asked to choose a role, please select “Entrepreneur”. You will be taken to a form where you can fill in some details about you and your business. After having clicked “join”, you will find your entrepreneur profile and your business summary by clicking on your name at the top right of the screen. You can continue editing your profile and summary, to make it as complete as possible.

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